Ingram's research is centered on the integration of AI and machine learning with big data applications
within academic and scholarly contexts. Specifically, he focuses on employing natural
language processing to enrich digital library systems and scholarly data management. Ingram's work aims to develop
scalable, ethical technical solutions that align with the strategic goals of higher education institutions and
digital archives, emphasizing innovation and the responsible use of AI in knowledge management.
Ingram received a
in cognitive science from the
University of Virginia
and an
Library and Information Science
from the
School of Library and Information ScienceUniversity of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign in
Since then, he has been involved in
projects and services related to scholarly communication,
digital preservation, repositories and
digital libraries. He is currently
pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Science at
Virginia Tech, under the supervision of Professor Edward A. Fox, with a
focused on the application of
NLP and machine/deep learning
to large-scalescholarly big data.
Our paper “VTechAGP: An Academic-to-General-Audience Text Paraphrase Dataset and Benchmark Models” has been accepted for publication in the NAACL 2025 Main Conference. Read more at DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2411.04825.
Our workshop paper, "Automating Chapter-Level Classification for Electronic Theses and Dissertations," was accepted at the 9th Computational Archival Science (CAS) Workshop, part of the 2024 IEEE Big Data Conference (IEEE BigData 2024). Contratulations Bipasha!
Our long paper, "Integrated Digital Library System for Long Documents and their Elements," has been nominated for Best Student Paper Award at JCDL 2023.
Our short paper, "MetaEnhance: Metadata Quality Improvement for Electronic Theses and Dissertations of University Libraries," is a Best Short Paper nominee at JCDL 2023.
Panel proposal accepted at JCDL 2023, "AI and Public Archives: Collaborative Leadership for Responsible Adoption."
Paper accepted by 2nd International Workshop on Scientific Knowledge: Representation, Discovery, and Assessment (Sci-K) co-located with the 2022 Web Conference. Congratulations Lamia!
Project briefing webinar accepted for CNI's Spring 2021 Virtual Meeting.
VT-NARA workshop rescheduled for Spring '21, will be held virtually.
Project briefing webinar accepted for CNI's Fall 2020 Virtual Meeting.
Poster accepted at JCDL'20.
Paper accepted for Practitioners Track at JCDL'20.
VT-NARA workshop postponed due to COVID-19.
Proposal accepted for half-day tutorial on Preparing Code and Data for Computational Reproducibility at JCDL'20.
Article accepted in Data and Information Management journal.
Grant awared (1910-07229) for "Ensuring Scholarly Access to Government Records and Archives" by Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to support a convening of experts to address machine-learning techniques to enhance public access to government records.
Nominated to join NDLTD Board of Directors.
Project briefing accepted for the CNI meeting in Washington, DC on December 9-10, 2019.
Paper on ETDs and workshop on computational reproducibility accepted for ETD 2019.
Received National Leadership Grants for Libraries Program award (LG-37-19-0078-19) for the project "Opening Books and the National Corpus of Graduate Research."